30 fun ways to get 30 minutes of physical activity today

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Every item on this page was chosen by a Woman's Day editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy. But when you do find a moment to practice some inner peaceit's easy to feel restless Finding things to do when you're bored at home may seem like a luxury to some, but it's always a good idea to find new and creative ways to relax, practice meditationand practice indulge in some much-needed self-care. From setting up your very own at-home spa to writing thank you cards, there are more than a few ways to help you pass the time in a productive and fun way. This isn't to say that you have to have every second of every day planned, but rather that having ideas for what to do with downtime makes us that much more likely to take care of ourselves. Whether that means having an at-home movie marathon, trying out a new recipe, or going on a hike in a new location, the point is that you are prioritizing self-care, fun, and relaxation. So no matter what you're go-to activity is when you're bored, take this list as some inspiration to try something new next time you find yourself feeling a little restless.

Alternation from the monkey bars, running about the park and playing soccer along with friends were par for the avenue of an active childhood. Starting along with just 30 minutes a day bidding put you right in the average of that range. But no individual wants to spend half an hour a day slogging it out accomplishment something they hate. Below is a list of activities that will acquire your heart pumping and add a bit of fun into your agenda at the same time.