Why Men Really do like Curvy Women!

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Why do men like curvy women? Most men when asked are not impressed by those skinny models in magazines that we see as perfect? Thinking I was overweight and a lot bigger than my friends. Truth is I was a size 10 with a stomach that I would now give my right arm for! When I had my son I gained about fifty pounds, and ok quite a bit has come off, but not all of it. The thing that also changed my mind about missing the skinny me was that men were still hitting on me.

Background tells us bodies like mine are impossible to love. If you accept something from a Vox link, Vox Media may earn a commission. Accompany our ethics statement. My first adoration went to art school, and ahead of schedule in our courtship he invited me to a student show of his photography.

Examination a curvaceous woman can feel akin to a reward in the brain of men, much as drinking alcohol before taking drugs might, research now reveals. These new findings might help account for the preoccupation men can have toward pornography, scientists added. Shapely hips all the rage women are linked with fertility after that overall health. As such, it makes sense evolutionarily speaking that studies athwart cultures have shown men typically achieve hourglass figures sexy. To explore the roots of this behavior, researchers had 14 men, average age 25, appraise how attractive they found pictures of the naked derrieres of seven women before and after cosmetic surgery so as to gave them more shapely hips.