Millennials deal with consequences of 'revenge porn'

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Many Chinese university students were found to have used their nude pictures as IOUs on some online lending platforms, putting themselves at the risks of having everybody — including their parents — see them naked. Such risky methods of IOU is found usable on several online lending platforms, but it is usually more often accepted within the QQ group chats connected to such platforms. Borrowers are also required to upload pictures of their ID cards and report their family information, including their address and cell phone numbers. Usually an undergraduate student can receive 15, yuan in credit, while those studying at famous universities as well as doctorate students can receive even larger loans. According to a self-claimed former borrower Li Li pseudonymthe weekly interest rate was 30 percent for her yuan borrowed from an online platform in February. As she kept failing to pay back on set payment due dates, she borrowed more money from the platform with the same weekly interest rate until the overdue payment grew to 55, yuan, which then led to a threat with her naked pictures, the Nandu Daily reported.

At the same time as Millennials become increasingly tech-reliant in altogether facets of life — including relationships — some are facing unfortunate consequences. Three out of four college students will be in a long-distance affiliation at some point before graduation, according to a study in the Academic journal of Communication. Sending nude photos en route for a partner may be one approach to maintain the passion. But can you repeat that? happens when a relationship dissolves after that a heartbroken ex has a annals of nude photos of their early partner?

Annoy over dodgy internet loan sharks arduous nude photographs from borrowers, which they threaten to publish online if payments are late. Under the arrangement reported by state media this week, a few college students have agreed to convey photos of themselves naked, holding their identification cards, to potential lenders. All the rage exchange, they became eligible for advanced loan amounts — two to five times the normal sum, the state-run Beijing Youth Daily reported. Lenders acquaint with the students they will publish the photos online if the loans are not repaid on time, often by usurious interest rates. Jiedaibao is a platform where individuals - often friends and acquaintances — can lend before borrow money, striking their own arrangements. Within four months, the debt she owed more than doubled.