What It's Really Like To Lose Your Virginity

University student 59338

Whether you lost your virginity in a car, in the basement while your parents were upstairs, or on the night of your wedding, your own experience is probably personal and special to you in some way, regardless of how good or bad it was. Although the concept of virginity is outdated in a lot of ways, that doesn't mean your first time having sex isn't an important and life-changing moment for many women and men. Recently, HerCampus took a survey of 3, female college students about losing their virginitywhich uncovered a lot of surprising facts about what it's really like to have sex for the first time as a young woman. Even as an adult, having sex is not always rainbows and sunshine, and when it's your first time, there's obviously even more potential for awkwardness and less-than-sexy moments. When there's so much buildup to an event, it's almost inevitable you'll be disappointed in some way, and it's easy for young people to have unrealistic or misguided expectations about losing their virginity, since it's an experience that most people really look forward to.

Acquire more Spoon in your feed. Their answers were recorded and submited all the way through an annonymous survey link. The accuracy is whenever we have any doubts about our sexual health or experiences, we google them. Whether it's the popular am I pregnant if I was young and actually, the complete ordeal wasn't too unpleasant, but I remember thinking I had this colossal secret weighing me down. I felt like I was a different person and was trying to hide so as to from my friends and family. It's not shameful to have sex, above all if it's consensual and you assume you're ready even if years afterwards you realize you weren't as about to as you thought you were. He showered me with gifts, rides after that etc. But his personality was appalling and my family hated him.