Holes Chapter 7

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Summary Chapter 13 Stanley returns to digging and finds a small gold tube with a heart engraved on it. Inside the heart the initials KB are engraved. He has previously told X-Ray that he would give him anything he found so that X-Ray could have the day off. Reluctantly, Stanley gives X-Ray the tube. Because it is almost the end of the day, Stanley suggests that X-Ray keep the tube until the next day so that if the Warden likes what he has found he can get the whole day off instead of just an hour. X-Ray agrees that this is a good plan and when the water line forms, X-Ray tells Stanley to move up one place in line, ahead of Zero. Chapter 14 The next morning, Stanley asks X-Ray if he has the object. X-Ray yells at Stanley to leave him alone and pretends he doesn't know what Stanley is talking about. While they are digging, X-Ray waits until the water truck has come to the holes before pretending to find the gold tube.

Division 7 Stanley is digging a abyss the next morning while it's allay dark. After breakfast that morning, the boys had each filled their canteens and fetched a shovel from a shed near the showers. Then all group of boys was sent en route for dig in a different area. The camp is full of holes so as to have been dug in the past: just picture it! Kind of disturbing, right? If the boys find everything interesting or unusual while digging, they're supposed to tell Mr.

Abridgment Chapter 6 Stanley takes a aloof and quick shower. There is denial hot water and each boy is allowed only four minutes under the water, which then turns off by design. Stanley eats a disgusting dinner, after that a camper asks him what he got in trouble for. Stanley tells him that he stole a brace of sneakers from the famous baseball player Clyde Sweet Feet Livingston. Denial one believes that Stanley has done that. When Stanley retires to his smelly cot he thinks back arrange the crime he didn't commit. The day Stanley was arrested, the discipline bully, Derrick Dunne, had thrown Stanley's notebook in the toilet in the bathroom. The teachers never believed so as to Derrick bullied Stanley because Stanley was much bigger than Derrick.