Instagram is supposed to be friendly. So why is it making people so miserable?

Cute girl seeks friendship 33744

All products featured on Teen Vogue are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Sure, they might be the person you know the most besides yourself but when it comes to gifting, things can get tricky very easily. While trying to come up with the perfect gift idea, you might hastily go through all of their belongings in your head before venturing out to find just what they need. But what do they need?

The Blink singer got cancer—and then by accident shared his diagnosis with the broadcast over social media. Turns out accomplishment sick renewed his faith, healed his old friendships, and reminded him can you repeat that? makes life worth living. The Louis Vuitton and Off-White designer fought a private battle with cancer. Now he's starring in A24's Red Rocketone of the best films of awards flavour.