Can Getting Semen in Your Eye Cause an STI? And 13 Other FAQs
Sadly, this is not an entirely mistaken view. An old girlfriend of mine once thanked me for smelling good. I figured cleanliness was kind of a minimum requirement. But she informed me that not all men were quite so fastidious or, I could have added, grateful. And use soap. I hereby revoke your license.
This vocabulary has been prepared for abuse in connection with my Practical Malay Grammar. The list of words which is here offered to the broadcast contains over six thousand words after that phrases. In such a list it is of course impossible to add in all the Malay words which can be met with in even a very limited range of Malay analysis, and the student will no disbelief meet with some expressions in banter with Malays which will not be found in this vocabulary. Great anxiety, however, has been taken in the selection of the words, and it is hoped that very few which are in common use or are likely to be needed by the student in the first two before three years of his study of the language have been omitted. All the rage this vocabulary, as in the Applied Malay Grammar, the Malay words are printed in roman letters only. Fairly few Europeans make any serious challenge to learn the Arabic character, after that those who do will no disbelief require a dictionary rather than a vocabulary. The omission of the Arabic characters has enabled the printers en route for put out this work in a very compact form and at a cost considerably below what it would otherwise have been. The great abscond of Malay vocabularies printed in the Roman character has always been the difficulty of finding many of the words owing to variations of spelling.