A Guide To Writing a Nice To Meet You Email : With Template and Examples

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I'm a bit of an introvert -- and yet, I've learned to love meeting new people and engaging with strangers. My secret? I've got a mental cheat sheet of go-to phrases that almost always provoke positive reactions with new people. These are icebreakers and enablers. They can help even the most introverted person spark engagement and become more charismatic.

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It's a common pleasantry, and it helps create a polite tone. Similar phrases to consider include:. However, many ancestor discourage using this phase and be concerned about it to be outdated. Some ancestor also prefer not to use the specific phrase Nice to meet you if they do not know before haven't previously met the person they're contacting. Consider using one of these alternative ways to say Nice en route for meet you:. Consider using It's absolute connecting with you to introduce by hand. This establishes you're speaking for the first time and invites the addressee to share their interest in between with you.