Can You Be Held Responsible for Your Friends' Crimes?

Nothing too serious 60439

Applications are made to the Crown Court, if a person has been convicted of a serious offence, or the High Court on standalone application, if the person has been involved in serious crime. In the Crown Court, the person must have been convicted of a serious offence by the Crown Court or committed to the Crown Court following conviction of a serious offence by a Magistrates' Court. A SCPO can still be made on a defendant given an absolute or conditional discharge following conviction as sections 12 and 14 of the Powers of Criminal Courts Sentencing Act [discharging the offender absolutely or conditionally shall be deemed not to be a conviction for any purpose other than the purposes of the proceedings in which the order is made] are effectively disapplied by section 36 5. Serious offence is defined in section 2 2 as an offence specified or falling within the description specified in Part 1 of Schedule 1, or an offence which in the particular circumstances The definition is also extended to include the corresponding inchoate offences, the offence under Part 2 of the Act in force as from 1 October of encouraging and assisting, and offences which fall within the descriptions but were offences under preceding legislation at the time of the conduct concerned. Schedule 1 paragraphs 14 and These orders have the potential to be available in a very wide range of circumstances and the court has the power to treat an offence as serious if it considers it so. R v Batchelor [] EWCA Crim found it was appropriate to make a SCPO against a single offender who had committed fraud offences over a number of years and the provisions were not restricted to violent or sexual crimes, nor was there anything to suggest the restrictions could not apply to a single offender. In the case of the High Court, the judge must be satisfied that the person has been involved in serious crime whether in England and Wales or elsewhere.

You might have friends or acquaintances who break the law. The law has rules about this. This article explains some of these rules. Just body on the scene when someone commits a crime is not enough designed for you to be accused of so as to crime.

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