Guys See You As A Bro: 17 Things That Happen When You're The 'Chill Girl'

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You don't fuss over fancy dates. You're not big on dressing up for a night out, and you don't take offence when the guy you're interested in doesn't return your calls for a week. You are totally okay with initiating plans to meet every single time, and you don't stop to wonder why he doesn't take the reins. Not much bothers you because you are cool about things.

April 6, Lauren Naefe Unless you animate under a rock, I'm sure you've heard the news: Being the aloofness girl is all the rage currently. And You have no chill is the worst insult. You can be the chill girl or the bizarre girl, and there's really no amid. Who is the chill girl? You know who she is. She's the girl who's outside chugging the alcoholic drink with all the guys. She's the one who's totally fine with the casual, no-strings-attached hook-up buddy. In actuality, she prefers it!

I don't have to play it back off, and if I'm thinking something, I can just say it. I appreciate that may seem like standard affiliation stuff to any logical human body, but for me, this is altogether HUGE. You see, this is my first real relationship. Of course, I had plenty of those almost-relationships I think the kids are calling them situationships these days that lasted designed for weeks or months, without us actually talking about what it was after that what we were doing. But no one of those thing really amounted en route for anything more, which partially had en route for do with the fact that I didn't really want anything with a good number of those guys. But another a good deal bigger part of it had en route for do with my incessant need en route for be the chill girl. It's amusing because, historically, being the chill child is supposed to be the a good number surefire way to get you the guy but, in reality, it as a rule ends up being what makes you lose him. When you told him you didn't want to talk a propos it Honestly, there were lots of times I really didn't want en route for talk about what was bothering me.