New Survey Reveals What Women Want in a Short-Term Partner

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Casual sexual relationships CSR are increasingly common but limited empirical research has addressed their terminology and distinctive characteristics. We combined two qualitative studies — one by association and another by free recall — to ascertain the clarity of the terms, plus a quantitative study to further characterize and differentiate them. Participants were asked to match descriptions of CSRs with the respective terms by which they are known Study 1. The same was investigated using an evocation task requesting that participants produce the terms by which the described CSRs are known Study 2. In the third study, participants rated the degree to which eight characteristics were present in the types of CSR, a simultaneous task that led to greater understanding of their descriptive and differentiating characteristics. Multivariate analysis of variance was used, with gender and age as covariates.

Contemporary research has shown that what women want in a short-term partner after that a long-term partner often differ. Individual study in the journal Psychological Art found that when it came en route for casual encounters, women were more apt to choose men with masculine facial featureswhich are indicators of high levels of testosterone. Similarly, the research showed that women prefer more feminine facial features when choosing a husband, at the same time as they connote positive character traits akin to trustworthiness, sensitivity, and reliability. Now, a new study conducted by the lady health app Clue sheds further close into what women want exactly after it comes to casual sex partners. The survey used data from 68, users of the app, and it turns out, the following six traits are key. Sadly, height bias is still very much real: The able news is that taller might not mean as tall as you capacity think, given that the average fully developed American woman is only 5'3. A survey by the dating website E-Harmony found that 5'8 was considered en route for be the ideal height for menwhich is actually slightly shorter than the 5'9 that has been deemed the average height of an adult American man.

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