Gender Differences in Body Evaluation: Do Men Show More Self-Serving Double Standards Than Women?

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So far, however, it is unclear whether these divergent body ratings arise from the application of double standards. Identity cues, such as faces, might activate different body schemata, which influence body ratings and thus lead to the application of double standards. Participants were instructed to rate their emotional reaction to the bodies according to valence and arousal, and to rate the bodies with respect to attractiveness, body fat, and muscle mass. Both women and men showed self-deprecating double standards in valence, body attractiveness, body fat and muscle mass for the overweight body. Men also revealed self-deprecating double standards for the thin, average-weight and hypermuscular bodies, but evaluated the athletic body as more attractive and with a higher positive feeling when it was presented with their own face.

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Four of them used one phrase before the other, and ten of twelve men in our focus group alleged they felt the same way: The singles scene had lost some of its appeal. Many men reluctantly admitted that for more than a day, they had felt uncomfortable in the singles world where they had been hanging out for the past five years. The singles world for professionals obviously is an older and add sophisticated crowd than that for men whose formal education ended in above what be usual school, but eventually men from equally groups had the same experience. Three young men who had graduated as of the same high school were all the rage one focus group made up of men who were about to get hitched. One was a plumber, one worked repairing computers, and the third was a store manager.