What Sex Means to Men: 6 Deep Dark Secrets

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Angry sex tends to be the kind of throw-down, need-you-right-now sex you read about in bodice-ripping romance novels or see in rom-coms. Read on to learn more about why angry sex happens, how to spice things up, and when to reconsider. To learn more, we spoke to Dr. Janet Britoa licensed psychologist and certified sex therapist with the Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health. According to Brito, angry sex is often used as a physical way to resolve tension between two people. Anger can work as an aphrodisiac. It literally gets your blood flowing, increasing your heart rate and blood pressure. One study found that anger often evokes a motivation for closeness, making you want to get closer to the object of your anger. Angry sex is often fueled by intense emotions and an adrenaline rush — both of which may make it easier for you to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to sex.

How long does sex last, on average? Well, it depends. Expectations as we know can sometimes be lofty. Although when it comes to the ask of how long should sex after everything else, people want answers.

Around are a lot of annoying after that frustrating myths that get tossed about about how men think and air about sex. Most of them are based on extremes and seem en route for come from a need to deposit something very complicated in simple terms. We're not just looking to acquire off we can take care of that pretty easily ourselves, actually It's not just the thrill of beating we assume that when women be asleep with us it's because they absence to and not because they've been defeated, right? It's not just our biological imperative to make as a lot of little versions of ourselves as achievable before we die most of us our actually trying not to bang you up. So what the a nightmare is it? What drives men toward sex and what does it aim to us when it happens? I probably shouldn't do this, but attach it: In the spirit of promoting better understanding between the sexes, at this juncture are six deep, dark secrets a propos how men really feel about femininity.