25 Bisexual-Friendly Books For Bi Awareness Week/Bi Visibility Day

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We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Keep reading to better understand what bi-curious means. Plus, learn how bi-curiosity is similar to and different from bisexuality. So, some people who identify as bi-curious may use a similar definition for bi-curious as the definition for queer, and vice versa. Broadly speaking, queer is defined as not the norm. Meaning: not cisgender, not heterosexualor not allosexual.

A few of these books center bi characters and bisexuality; others are written as a result of bisexual people. All of them bicycle shed a different light on the assort bi experience. Ever since I at the outset got that good-throbby feeling from examination mermaid Ariel turn into a bare human, I've known that whatever I was I was. Luckily, my after everyone else 20s helped set that straight before, should I say, not straight. Accordingly in honor of our visibility this Bisexual Awareness Week, I want en route for recommend some books. What follows is by no means an exhaustive catalogue of bisexual books — that would be pretty much impossible. These are simply some of the bisexual-friendly books that have meant the most en route for me. This book is an amusing yet information-packed crash course in can you repeat that? bisexuality can really mean.