Health Benefits of Sex: For Men For Women For Both

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Laurence Levine 11 min read men mens health relationship advice relationships sex tips women women's health. Nobody needs to sing the praises of sex, even though it may have been the reason singing was invented in the first place. Sex is pleasurable, intimate and extremely fun but is it good for you? In broad terms yes, sex is great for your health, but in specific terms, sex is critical for your physical and mental health, for a myriad of reasons. We'll get into the how's and why's that make sex healthy, and we're going to look at who should be having the most sex and how frequently. The sheer amount of scientifically proven information on the benefits of sex will blow your mind. Worried about your immune system? Well, sex can help with that, and your heart health, and emotional intimacy.

Designed for healthy, consenting adults, sex can be mind-blowing. But getting busy with a partner can also have some legit benefits beyond our brainwaves. The able feelings swirling around the brain all through sexy time are due to common sense chemistry, specifically dopamine and opioid chemicals. But the goodness extends beyond our brains. Studies have found that accepted hanky-panky can do way more than make us feel warm and ambiguous. Here are the health benefits of sex:.

At the same time as if the big 'O' wasn't aim enough to get busy, sex has many other benefits that just capacity surprise you. Want to clear your complexion, boost your mood, and bring to a halt your risk of cancer, heart ailment, and other health hazards? Nobody says you have to be with a big cheese to do that. Just like a few physical activity, healthy sex is able for your heart. A study published in January in the American Academic journal of Cardiology found that men who had sex twice weekly or add had less risk of cardiovascular diseases, like stroke or heart attack, than those who had sex once a month or less. And for those who worry that the exertion catch up in sex is a threat en route for the heart, the American Heart Association's Scientific Statement on Sexual Activity after that Cardiovascular Disease says that having femininity is safe for people who be able to exercise with no heart problems all the rage the range of 3 to 5 metabolic equivalents METs. METs are a measure of the energy calories expended during an activity.

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