Why Every Woman Should Have Condoms by Her Bed

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The more attractive a man is, the more likely a woman is to want to have sex with him. Nothing new here. Like our ancient ancestors, humans are visual creatures, driven by fairly encoded behaviour. But a new study by two British universities and the University of Guelph in Ontario has also gone one further, and found that women are less likely to want to use a condom during sex, the more attractive they think a man is. Participants filled out an online questionnaire which asked questions such as:. The study confirmed that that the more attractive a man was thought to be, the less likely a woman was to ask him to use a condom.

Afterwards lockdowns began in March, I, akin to many single people without a affiliate to quarantine with, went a concrete few months without sexual contact of any kind. By the time July rolled around and I decided I felt comfortable enough to begin dating again , I figured this capacity be a good opportunity to advantage over with a clean sexual account. After visiting the gyno for a full STI exam and a additional form of birth control, I was ready to begin a new, condom-conscious chapter of my sex life. I blew it immediately. We are brainy, educated, sexually experienced women. We appreciate we should be using condoms, we want to use condoms. And but, somehow or other, we end ahead having sex without them.

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It might seem like common sense so as to if you don't want a babe or an STD, you use armour. But according to a new analyse , one seemingly irrelevant factor plays into whether or not a chap wants to wear a condom: how much he's into his partner. Designed for the study, University of Southampton researchers showed 51 straight men photos of 20 women and asked them en route for rate their attractiveness, how likely they were to have STDs, and how willing they were to have femininity with them—with and without condoms. Unsurprisingly, the more attractive they found the women, the more they wanted en route for sleep with them. But the bizarre part was that attractiveness made them disproportionately want to have sex devoid of a condom. Which could be becoming if you weren't worried about, you know , getting pregnant or an STD.