Sexuality : and Lack Thereof in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Review of the Literature

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Aim out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Adolescence sexuality has been primarily studied along with a focus on its potential broadcast health issues, such as sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies, and its comorbidity with other risky behaviors. Add recently, it has been studied at the same time as a normative step in romantic partnerships, either pre- or post-marital, as able-bodied as outside the context of adore involvement. In this paper, we analysis the extensive literature on sexuality all the rage adolescence and early adulthood both contained by and outside romantic relationships i. Additionally, the recent recognition of youth sexuality as a developmental task has led to a renewed interest from scholars in youth who abstain from sexual encounters , whether deliberately or not. A brief overview of the creative writing on cultural differences in sexuality, after that sexual-minority youth sexual development is additionally provided. This paper concludes by suggesting future directions to bring the area of youth sexuality and romantic relationships forward.

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