Abbotsford residents relieved child sex offender may have to move

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Neighbours were outraged when James Conway moved into a halfway house at Joanita Place in August. Conway has convictions for sexual abuse involving underage girls and a history of breaking the conditions of his release from jail. To the relief of the community, Mayor Henry Braun announced Sunday that city lawyers believe the house is being improperly used for commercial purposes in an area that is zoned as residential. But none of this means that Conway will be leaving overnight. City staff have spoken with the halfway house operator — a service agency that provides housing for people like Conway with developmental disabilities — as well as Corrections B. There are about a dozen other halfway houses in Abbotsford where Conway could live, according to the mayor. Iverson agreed, suggesting that Conway needs to be in a facility that offers rehabilitation services. Maybe the system needs to figure something out. Conway has a lengthy criminal past that includes convictions for sexual assault and interference, as well as arson and mischief.

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