The Expectations vs. Reality Trap

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The World Happiness Reportan annual study that measures national happiness based on quality-of-life factors, says that we have quantitative proof that happiness is resilient, and that big events like, say, a pandemic often have smaller than expected impact on our overall state of happiness. But if you need a boost in happiness, you can always move to Finland — which claimed the title as the happiest country in the world for the fourth year in a row. So, how do we create spaces for ourselves to thrive and enjoy life rather than just limping our way through it? A few years ago, Jenny Harrow-Keeler was in a terrible, near-fatal accident. But looking back, she sees it as a pivotal moment when she had to actively decide what kind of life she wanted. One of her realizations was that nature, which has always been a place of joy for her, was also incredibly healing. Interested in sharing it with others, she began studying forest bathing.

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